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Empowered Fitness


People will often highlight inadequacies in order to persuade action (whether it is a business selling you something or the person themselves). But focusing on inadequacies doesn't change a person's thoughts about their value for the better or who they can become for the positive.

Empowerment gives tools to help people self- regulate, apply learning through trying, see their potential, and clarify their goals realistically. Empowered fitness is more wholistic.

Self- regulation

Self-regulation involves reflective practice and looking at how you respond to things in order to regulate yourself without relying so much on external motivation or influences.

Having negative thoughts, especially while discounting the positive and using other fallacies, can de-motivate you into a downward spiral. It is not healthy for your mind or body. Examples of defeating language: "I'm fat", "I'm weak", "I eat junk", "I'm lazy".

(Burns, D. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy)

Try some new words:

I have strength and I can develop strength. My body can adapt. My body is adapting. I have the tools to change.

Focusing on inadequacies inhibits your ability to get up when you fail. Failure is a realistic event. So, having a growth mindset allows you to have proper expectations and empowers you to get up a go at it again.

Learning through trying

You have to experience the lift. It's an experience, not just the means to an end. The experience of sensing your muscles and movement is called "mind-muscle connection".

Reflection is a tool that empowers you to analyze the performance and make changes if necessary. Having guidance from a coach will help with this.

Because of focusing on your ability to learn and adapt, you have the ability to try, fail, reflect, and try again. This "ability" is a part of your empowerment. It is your power.

Seeing your potential

Your body and mind are fluid; they have the ability to change and adapt. Your mind, body, and soul are you.

I will be faster. I will flow. I will get up. I will lift. I will be stronger.

Your empowering mindset improves your ability to fail.


As you grow, your goals and pathway to those goals can become clearer when you have realistic expectations.

Things to consider are time, recovery, progression, and hitches in the process.

Time has an impact; without time, there's no trend. The length of time to reach a goal depends on the person, the goal, and their plan. Knowing that there are variables, allows us to expect challenges and then to be open to the possibility of adjusting a plan or goal. It makes us more flexible.

How you progress and recover, is going to be different! That's why reflection and learning through trying is a part of the process of reaching your goals.

Because body adaptations can take time, there are going to be "hitches". Maybe you catch the flu, get injured, or have to go somewhere or do something that interrupts your plan. We need to have grace. "Expect the imperfect," as I say.

There is a desired change, but having a positive mindset is healthier for your mind and gives you the ability to fail and get back up again. Focusing on inadequacies inhibits your ability to get up when you fail. Failure is a realistic event. So, having a growth mindset allows you to have proper expectations and empowers you to get up a go at it again.

Let's Go!



Recommended Readings:

Intention: Building Capabilities to Transform Your Story by Dr. Ian Brooks

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by Dr. David Burns M.D.

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